March 19-20, 2015
West Georgia Textile Heritage Trail Annual Conference
“Weaving Stories Through the Arts”
Join us March 19-20, 2015, in historic Dalton, the “carpet capital of the world,” for the third annual conference of the West Georgia Textile Heritage Trail! This year, the conference theme focuses on using the arts to tell our textile stories. Sessions focus on theatre, music, and the visual arts, collaborations with local arts organizations, and fundraising, preservation, and heritage tourism. Conference attendees will explore Dalton’s history with programs at the Crown Gardens and Archives, our conference host; the Dalton Little Theatre; the historic Dalton Depot and Trackside Tavern; and tours of the Hamilton House, Shaw Industries, and Prater’s Mill.
You can register for this conference by printing out the digital copy of our conference registration brochure (below) and mailing it with your payment by March 2nd (early registration has been extended to March 6th) to:
Center for Public History: History Department
University of West Georgia, 1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, Georgia 30118
Please come with us to Dalton for what is sure to be a wonderful conference with many unique opportunities! If you have any questions, please contact Maria Ross, WGTHT Conference Director, at (678) 839-6141 or
To learn more about this year’s conference speakers, go HERE!